HAND celebrates the Grand Opening of HAND Europe

HAND Enterprise Solutions Company Ltd. (HAND), a Shanghai-based global leading IT solutions provider celebrated their grand opening with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at their new European office in Eindhoven, the Netherlands on 11th June 2019.


The event brought the company’s Chairman of the Board and other senior executives from Shanghai to Eindhoven. Over sixty business associates as well as local representatives from Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), Brabant Development Agency (BOM) and High Tech Campus (HTC) Eindhoven attended the grand opening ceremony. The event gave HAND the opportunity to meet clients, business partners and other associate members. 

HAND is a global leading IT solutions provider working to deliver IT strategy, ERP solution implementations and global technical support. HAND has been serving their clients across the globe since 1996, with over 3000 customers across 40 different industries, presence in more than 80 countries on 6 continents supported by 10,000 professional IT consultants worldwide.


Dean Chen, Chairman of the Board at HAND said during his opening speech that “We’re excited to be in Eindhoven as it strengthens our ability to serve our customers in Europe with the most competitive, convenient and reliable service. We have seen that there is significant growth opportunity in Europe. HAND is committed to grow our business in this region. Today it is a small step to open our EU office while it paves the way to a great future.” 


“We are delighted to have a leading IT technology company to base themselves in the Netherlands. Geographical accessibility, talent availability and technology capability in the Brabant region will serve as an excellent stepping stone for HAND doing business in Europe.” Welcomed Eelko Brinkhoff, Director of BOM Foreign Investments. 

Together with NFIA, the BOM, HTC Eindhoven and CyNergy Consulting B.V. supported HAND with setting up the operation, recruiting local personnel, and other matters. Mr. Jian Tang, Senior Vice President at HAND addressed special thanks to these organisations and said “We regard these as the attractiveness of the Dutch business climate. We will highly recommend the Netherlands to our Asian clients, since we see the increasing needs among them to establish their European operation.”

For more information on HAND Enterprise Solutions Co. Ltd., please visit: 




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