全球新冠肺炎疫情形势牵动人心,“地球村”每个成员的命运紧紧相连,疫情防控全球阻击战正进入无比严峻的阶段。在最困难的时刻,汉得始终与全球客户携手同心,积极发挥技术优势,保障项目不间断运行,防疫物资千里驰援,缓解多国客户燃眉之急。我们相信,危机中所凝聚的力量将更为珍贵,定能焕发出恒久的光芒将寒夜点亮!技术输出保障全球1100+项目稳定运行大年初二开始,汉得便启动了各项紧急应对工作,全球所有团队应声而动。假期后的第一周,遍布中国、日本、美国、俄罗斯、泰国、新西兰、印度等全球近1100个项目,以各种各样的形式按时开工;第二周,计划中95%的项目全部启动。这是非常来之不易的结果,如果没有客户的理解与支持,仅靠汉得自身是无法做到的。在这段彼此相携的时间里,我们也陆续收到海外客户们向汉得发来的关切慰问与由衷感谢——邮件、短信、微信、Skype,甚至还有客户专门录制的寄语视频。不同的肤色、不同的语言,来自世界不同的角落,却都秉持着同一种信念与感动。2、3月陆续收到的客户寄语视频集锦物资驰援防疫物资已抵达全球多国截至目前,汉得已向日本、意大利、荷兰、西班牙、澳大利亚、马来西亚、美国等多国的防疫物资集中配送中心、医疗机构及客户方捐赠医用口罩等防疫物资,近期还将有更多物资陆续抵达全球。我们唯愿荷兰的郁金香、日本的樱花、韩国的木槿花、意大利的雏菊、伊朗的蔷薇、法国的鸢尾……都能像武汉的樱花一样,如期开放。以下收录了部分收到防疫物资后向汉得发来的「客户感谢信」医用口罩(5000只)抵达荷兰防疫物资集中配送中心荷兰布拉邦省荷兰布拉邦省政府经济发展署外商投资部部长、汉得欧洲的老朋友 Eelko Brinkhoff 对汉得此举给予了高度评价:“汉得的捐赠在这个特殊时期是慷慨义举,鼓舞并且温暖人心,此举受到(布拉邦省的)欢迎!”荷兰布拉邦省紧急物资配送组"Thank you for your email and donation.We gladly accept your donation and are willing to send a courier to get the specific goods.The medical staff in the hospitals will be grateful. "ALLFORONE"TV shows that the Covid-19-situation seems to get better in China.Here in Europa the situation ist still bad and infections are incresing daily.People are staying at home and have the advice to leave home only for going to the doctor or supermarket.We are all working from home and try to keep running the project remotely. It took some time to get your parcel through customs, but today I received it.Again, thank you very much, I really appreciate what yo did. You really send a lot of masks.I will try to find out who else is needing some of them.Stay safe and healthy."SEIDOR"After many days struggling with the Spanish customs, we finally managed to get hold of your face masks package.Considering the critical current situation of the sanitary personnel in our hospitals, our CEO decided to donate 500 masks to a hospital close to one of our offices, the Consorci Hospitalari de Vic.We, Seidor, and myself personally, would like to join them in showing our deepest gratitude to you for your donation. We will not forget this…I hope you and your family are healthy and the situation in China continues to improve."CHV"On behalf of the Consorci Hospitalari de Vic, I would like to thank you for your valuable help, which has contributed to improving our protective equipment.In these moments of serious difficulties, collaboration, solidarity and mutual aid are the most important means at our disposal and those which allow us to continue in the difficult task of caring for people's health."YANMAR"So many! Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. You are so kind!In the Netherlands, we have just started. We have not a complete lockdown yet, but the measures are getting stronger. We are not allowed to have events until 1st June, and have to limit our travelling to the supermarket and go outside for a walk. Some shops are still open though. And keep 1,5 m distance to each other and not gather in parks etc.. otherwise you can get a big fine. In other countries like Italy Spain or France, it is a complete lockdown. "YANMARAmerica"Thank you for your checking on us, I really appreciate it.Now, the corona cases in Georgia is about 200 but so many still in testing that it’s hard to know the real number of infections.If you can spare masks, we would greatly appreciate it. "YANMAREurope"Thank you so much for your kind help! We have received two shipments each one box and shared the mouth masks with the charity organisation in The Netherlands.There was a very nice message on one of the boxes. Thank you for that!We have heard Wuhan is open and people may travel again.We hope corona will not spread any further in China, it is the hope we have to come out of this situation the same way your country did."ICM.S"Just arrived, Thank you very much! Very very kind from you! They are very useful as we will be obliged to wear them for a long time! "日本H-BPI项目"マスクが本日届きました!ありがとうございます!凄く性能の良さそうなマスクでとても助かります。日本でこれだけの数を揃えるのはとても難しいので。社内で発症者が出た時の備えとして使わせて頂くことになりました。H-BPIのリーダーから改めてお礼の連絡を劉さんをはじめ陳さんや李さんにもさせて頂こうと思っています。""口罩今天已经顺利!非常感谢!看起来就是功能品质非常好的产品,帮了大忙。日本国内目前这些数量的口罩是采购不到的。 公司决定这批口罩将用于公司内部出现感染症状患者时的储备。H-BPI项目的Leader也会向以贵公司诸位表达感谢。"战“疫”无国界,骇浪中唯有同舟共济,才可抵达希望的彼岸! 点击订阅 「 汉得季刊 」即时获取行业干货及最新资讯